PGA Junior Lg. 14 – 17 Year Olds


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PGA Junior League Golf is a fun, social and inclusive opportunity for boys and girls ages 14-17 and (Juniors may not turn 17 before August 1) to learn and enjoy the game of golf. Much like other recreational league sports, participants wear numbered jerseys and play on teams with their friends. The format is a 2-person scramble.

Game dates: June 2, June 9, June 23, June 30, July 7 and July 14 (six games) Tee Times will be available throughout the day

Practice Schedule: 4-17 PGA Jr League: 14-17 PGA JLG (

Parent/junior scramble TBD

Practice schedule & practice sign-up: tbd Any participant in the league that wants to play on the all star team, must participate in qualifying. The golfers with the low six scores at qualifying will comprise the all star team. During qualifying, golfers will play the course from the approximate length that golfer would play from during an all star event. (In other words everyone may not play from the same tees during qualifying.Qualifying will be nine holes: date TBDAnd nine holes on  TBD    Both scores will be added together.

$374 per Participant (includes, hat, jerseys, practices, & game fees. $275 paid to Ironwood $99 to PGA Junior League)

Please contact for more information, especially if your child has never played PGA Junior League or if you have questions about practice. Click Here for the PGA of America Registration Fee